Camp Aloha

Southern Motors is proud to sponsor Camp Aloha.

Camp Aloha is for children ages 6-17 who have experienced the death of a loved one within the last 24 months. The annual camp provides a time of structured activities and play which helps the children realize they are not alone in their grief experience. Our last overnight camp was held at the new Ebenezer Retreat Center in Rincon from May 3-May 5th, 2024. We will announce the next one as information becomes available. There is a nominal non-refundable registration fee of $25 per child, with scholarships available. Thank you for your interest in Camp Aloha, we are at full capacity for campers. If you’d like to be added to next year’s list, please call a bereavement counselor at (912) 303-9442.

For information regarding volunteering, contact a bereavement counselor at (912) 303-9442 or fill out the volunteer application at this link.

Camps are underwritten through the generosity of Southern Motors and of community donors. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Camp Aloha 2020 and 2021 were unable to happen. Watch as our wonderful volunteers share memories here.